Monday, September 18, 2017


So, lately, life is not so easy.

I wake up depressed.

I am really not used to this.

I'm not really sure what is causing it.

There is no real reason for it.

A few irritating people around me but no reason to be that upset.

Gradually, as the day passes, I work my way out of it.

Usually by listening to Abraham.

My temp agency emails me job postings.

There was one in Horsham.

Now, there really is no easy way to get from Philly to Horsham. It's pretty much just a straight run up Broad Street, in city traffic, with lots and lots of traffic lights.

In short, it sucks.

I though about applying but decided not to.

Later in the day, though, a thought crossed my mind.

A thought that really changed everything.

"That job is just not good enough for me."

That's what I thought.

I was actually surprised by my own thought.

(Is that possible? Apparently, it is.)

The more I thought about it, the more I it felt totally right.

Yes, that job is not good enough for me. Of course that job is not good enough for me.


Because I create my own reality.

Why would I create that crappy reality?

A job with a torturous commute?

Been there, done that.

The more I though about that, the more my mood lifted.

I've created many wonderful experiences, including great jobs.

I can continue to create many wonderful experiences.

I don't have to settle.

I wasn't created to settle.

I was created in the image of God herself to have anything I could conceive.

Message from the Universe received!

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