Saturday, September 16, 2023

Someone read this

 I haven't been on here in forever and I checked the stats and someone is reading this blog. Which is weird, since no one reads my blog.

Oh, well, mystery forever, I guess.

I sold the house, I've invested the money (well, most of it) with a professional. I went to Florence for a month. When I got on the plane, I had a cold, when I got off, I had a sinus infection. Yeah, it wasn't fun but I soldiered on. Got 2 Z paks, still didn't get better, went home.

It's been a bit of a rough patch. I really lost the whole gratitude and positivity for a time. When you don't have a house to distract you, you suddenly notice a myriad of problems that you never had time to focus on.

But I'm back.

Back to gratitude and back to traveling.

Met a lovely German couple when we both missed a connecting flight. Didn't get their number. So mad at myself. They were some simpatico. Told the Universe, more of that please.

I'm not going to travel in Europe in September again. It's too hot. Right now, I am practicing self-care. I can't wait to see how people's brains explode that I am not running all over this city, gobbling culture like a starving dog. It's been here for thousands of years, people, it's not going anywhere!

After a few days of taking care of myself, I feel ready to jump into sight-seeing. Okay, I feel ready to toddle into sight-seeing.

Think of starting a travel blog.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Universe Comes Through - As Usual

 Ignore my last lamentations!

The house was under contract in less than 2 weeks.

It's been a tiny bit rocky working out all the details but we've come to an agreement.

The movers have been engaged, I'm spending my time looking for boxes, and making decisions.

Moving day is 12/22 and the actual settlement is 12/28.

Then, I will be free to do WHATEVER I want.

Hoping to leave for Florence in February.

The Universe has been incredible throughout, of course!

I realized that I have spent nearly 10 years just working on this relationship.

I'm so glad I did.

Trust the Universe loves you and everything else will fall into place.

Sunday, October 30, 2022


Why did I wait so long to sell my house? 

I feel like a complete idiot.

I could have sold in a couple of days a year ago.

Now I have only had 4 showings in more than a week.

I don't know how I could have so badly misjudged this!

It takes all my energy to stay positive.

If I can manifest a seller for this house quickly, it will be my greatest manifestation.

Cue the law of attraction! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Still surprised...

 Wow, haven't written anything in forever! Doesn't matter because I'm apparently only talking to myself!

Finally selling the house so I can travel.

Had to clear out 85 years of accumulated "stuff" from the basement and garage. Yes, we've owned the house for 85 years. Unusual, I know.

I've been trying to do it bit by bit, but that wasn't cutting it.

So, I hired someone from TaskRabbit. He was fantastic. In about 4 hours, we cleared everything out. Cost me about 199 and I added a generous tip. So, say, $200 and change.

I paid the bill. I left a review. I got up to get the mail.

In the mail was a check. A check from Nissan. I recently purchased by lease from Nissan. The check didn't have a letter. The check stub didn't really say what it was for. Some kind of overpayment on my lease apparently.

It was for $211.00

So, I paid out $200 and immediately got $200 back.

I really love the Universe!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Universe Listens

 So, I've basically been home during the Great Pandemic of 2020.

I haven't been receiving funds from the PUA for months.

I had the idle thought a few days ago that I really should look for a job.

Today, I have two interviews for jobs.

You know this trusting the Universe thing really works.

I am so relaxed about both jobs.

I started to worry and then I thought everything comes together for my greater good and the Universe will send me something great.

I am going to spend about 5 minutes thinking about what I would like in a job and then I'm going to just relax and let the Universe provide for me.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Staggered by My Blessings!


Turns out I qualify for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.

Honestly, when I realized I qualified you could have knocked me over with a feather.

Also qualified for the 3-month stimulus.

So, yes, money is coming in without me doing anything.

It's funny but right before I qualified I was applying for jobs that I could do at home. Mostly answering phones, customer service. (I want to add here that despite applying to many places, no one ever hires me!)

As I was applying I clearly heard the admonition, "Wait," in my head. Needless to say, I was startled.

Even though I was a bit taken aback, I decide to listen. Over the course of a week, I heard it several times. (Um, no, I do not hear voices. This was the first time, swear to God!)

I didn't quality for regular unemployment and I had tried to apply for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance but got frustrated with the system.

During the "wait" week, I decided in the middle of the night to try it again. It took a couple of hours, and a lot of button pushing but I received a notice immediately that I qualified.

I have to admit I was a bit stunned.

But I don't know why I'm still stunned.

If you rely on the Universe it will take care of you.


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Oddly perfect, perfectly odd

I'm sort of staggered by where we find ourselves with the Corona virus.

I really am amazed though how many areas of concern this virus has touched:

  1. Danger of people not believing in science.
  2. Trump is a jackass.
  3. How Republicans can't govern (how you can you govern when you despise government?)
  4. Job creators (as we all knew) have no meaning to the economy and workers are the economy.
  5. Rich people, bankers, stock brokers, etc are in no way essential to society but nurses, doctors, grocery store clerks, truck drivers, and delivery people are.
  6. Universal health care is absolutely necessary and for profit medicine is a disaster.
  7. Scope and angers of income inequality
I'm sure there are more but I'm just hitting the highlights.

I can't help but think that all the talking in the world would not illuminate all these issues as well as one lone virus.

One simple and elegant (but deadly) answer to a myriad of questions.

I am simply astounded by the elegance of the Universe.