Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Small Discoveries

So I've been letting things go and just trusting.

I went to the cellar today to look for Xmas wrapping paper.

When I went into the garage, I found some Xmas bags and tissue paper on a shelf, that I had clearly forgotten all about. Excellent! No wrapping, just popping things in bags with tissue paper!

While I was looking around the garage, I realized that I had a TV stand larger than the one in the living room.

I've been contemplating buying a larger tv and was already shopping vicariously for a tv stand.

How nice that one just turned up in the garage!

Small things, I know. But the small things show that the Universe cares about everything you care about.

Just trust and let go.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

A Bit of a Lull

Not going to lie, things are a bit stuck right now.

There have been some ups and some downs, some minor inconveniences, some lulls in creation.

I'm going to blame it on Mercury Retrograde.

As much as I just want things to move forward, I'm taking this as a good opportunity to just trust the Universe.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

You'll see it when you believe it....

So remember my last post, in which you hold and trust the Universe?

In the "You can't make this stuff up" category, I just received a phone call about a job.

A temp job.

Working completely from home.

At a higher rate than my last job.

Which starts Monday.

Because they really need somebody.

Yeah, 'cause that's how all this works.

Saying "No" Confidently

So my last temp job has no work for me.

First offer, temp opportunity in Lansdale.

No, thanks, too far.

Email today, permanent opportunity, Princeton, NJ.

No, thanks, too far.

How can I turn down opportunities?

Because I have complete trust in the Universe, that's why.

I've noticed that some duds trickle in before the real gold.

I don't know why.

As I see it, it's like the Universe asking if you will believe and hold it for the prize.

Yeah, I will.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Little Things..

It's the little things that I notice.

I was looking for a certain kind of scissors for a project. I had them on my list to buy.

I was looking through a drawer today for my usual scissors and as I fished around in the drawer I came up with a pair of scissors I didn't even know I owned that are perfect for the project.

So that happened.

I also decided I needed a pair of white sandals for the summer. Also on the list.

I've been cleaning out the basement and I reached for a bin stuffed back on a table and inside I found several pairs of shoes that I haven't seen in a couple of years.

Was there a pair of white sandals in said bin?

Why, yes. Yes, a pair of white sandals just materialized.

Okay, they didn't materialize. I bought them several years ago and somehow they ended up in the cellar, probably stored for the winter.

Nonetheless, up they popped, just when I needed them.

Which perfectly illustrates how LOA works and how you manifest. Don't get yourself all bent and twisted.

Just calmly make a note of what you need and know somehow what you need will turn up just when you need it.

That's how this all works.

Hmm, what do I put on my list next?

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Mirabile dictu....

I'm sort of still amazed at how the Universe comes through for me.

Lately work has completely slacked off. So no money coming in. It's been a bummer, not gonna lie.

Also, had a bout of diverticulitis, ended up in ER. More money going out.

On top of everything, on Mother's Day, I noticed a leak in the bedroom ceiling. I was on my way to my sister's house and I freaked out at little. In fact, I was kinda ticked off all day.

When I went to sleep, I was thinking about how to fix the leak. Then, it dawned on me, I have insurance. Oh, right. Well, then.

I make a survey of Yelp and picked out an insurance adjuster. He was a very nice and competent person. He advised that I would probably only net about $2000.00 for the repairs to the roof and ceiling. Okay, fine. Leak stopped, ceiling drywall repaired. I'm good.

Several weeks later and one visit from the insurance person, I received an email last night that they want to bring over a check for more than $11,000.

Say what now?

I know nothing about insurance so I always hire adjusters on the rare instances that I have any problems.

I would say I'm stunned but rather I am pleased.

It no longer stuns me how well the Universe takes care of me. Quite frankly, all I want to do in future is remember that the Universe is much better at solving my problems than I am!

Miracles happen...

Friday, March 22, 2019

Amazing Universe

Still working freelance. Same place. About 20 minutes from my house (with a DD on the way). Sometimes I work from home. Sometimes I go in.

Office is in great old building that used to be a ship factory. There's no elevator besides a service elevator so I climb 24 concrete steps to get to work. Then I have to walk a city block to get to my office. Yes, the Universe managed to get me free exercise as well as a job! At first, admittedly, I just hated it, but now, after a couple of weeks, I'm used to it. I go up and down them a lot faster now!

The office is full of young kids, they're adorable! They bring their dogs to work! Honestly, it's like the offices you see on tv shows. They have literally baskets of munchies around. They're always a snack if you're peckish. Plus, they constantly have meetings, which means there is always food. I almost never have to buy lunch!

The work is very interesting and fast-paced. The day goes by fast, which I like. I'm picking up ad agency work and lingo very fast.

But, wait, as they say on tv, there's more!

There is a spot to drop off charitable donations on the way home. Yes, I literally have no reason to not clean out the cellar now.

I just love letting the Universe organize my life!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

They like me! They really really like me!

Well, the Universe comes through again.

Had interview on Thursday.

Thought it went well.

Didn't hear anything though until Wednesday, which was alright by me, since I'm still recovering from miserable cold.

The agency finally called and said they loved me. They want to bring me on freelance, which means I can work from home. They will get back to me with start date.


Just in the nick of time. As usual.

That's just how the Universe and I roll.

It's nice having the Universe as a friend!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

More Miracles

So, I am, as usual, quite broke.

I've learned, however, that the Universe has answers and will point me the way to them.

I was sitting there looking at my house taxes and thinking about how I was going to pay them.

I don't really know what prompted me to look at this one credit card account. It gets paid automatically and just really don't use it. (Wait, I know what prompted me, the Universe!)

I look and interestingly I have just enough credit to pay my taxes. I mean, right on the nose.

Honestly, I still haven't stopped thanking the Universe for that one!

In the meantime, I had a phone interview for a medical ad agency right here in town for a freelance assignment that could turn into a full-time job.

I guess they liked me because I have an interview tomorrow. If there wasn't a polar vortex I would be happier but whatever....

Also, another agency contacted me to discuss future work.

So taxes paid, jobs popping up, Universe as usual responding to my every need.

Now, if we could just do something about that polar vortex....

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Nothing matters more than how I feel....

So, I'm a bit broke. Things are tight.

I've been sick. Like "I've got the flu and I'm going to die" sick.

I've been to the doctor two Mondays in a row.

So, one of my agencies calls about a job.

Has an editing test.

Okay, not really feeling it but okay.

They first send me a CDA, which I sign, of course.

Then the send me not one, but two files, with several slides and they want me to devote two hours of my life to this test.

I looked it over yesterday and decided to leave it until today.

I woke up abruptly very early and I had another look.

Honestly, I just got madder and madder.


I have 20 years experience and you want me to spend 2 billable hours just to prove it.

Nah, bro, just nah.

Mind you, I could use the money.

But, I've learned, over the years, to trust my instincts.

I sent an email to the agency, passing on the possible assignment, clearly stating that I wasn't going to waste two hours on this.

The relief I felt afterwards was amazing.

I was also pleased that I had once again chosen myself and trusted the Universe completely.

I received a reply from the agency, agreeing with me. Totally understanding. Totally supportive. They had suggested that they should pay the candidate for two hours but they refused.

I think this was another test from the Universe.

Could I be as broke as a joke and still put myself first and trust the Universe that something else will show up?

Yeah, I really can.

Looking forward to what's coming, I know it's going to be great!