Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Mirabile dictu....

I'm sort of still amazed at how the Universe comes through for me.

Lately work has completely slacked off. So no money coming in. It's been a bummer, not gonna lie.

Also, had a bout of diverticulitis, ended up in ER. More money going out.

On top of everything, on Mother's Day, I noticed a leak in the bedroom ceiling. I was on my way to my sister's house and I freaked out at little. In fact, I was kinda ticked off all day.

When I went to sleep, I was thinking about how to fix the leak. Then, it dawned on me, I have insurance. Oh, right. Well, then.

I make a survey of Yelp and picked out an insurance adjuster. He was a very nice and competent person. He advised that I would probably only net about $2000.00 for the repairs to the roof and ceiling. Okay, fine. Leak stopped, ceiling drywall repaired. I'm good.

Several weeks later and one visit from the insurance person, I received an email last night that they want to bring over a check for more than $11,000.

Say what now?

I know nothing about insurance so I always hire adjusters on the rare instances that I have any problems.

I would say I'm stunned but rather I am pleased.

It no longer stuns me how well the Universe takes care of me. Quite frankly, all I want to do in future is remember that the Universe is much better at solving my problems than I am!

Miracles happen...

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