Thursday, January 17, 2019

Nothing matters more than how I feel....

So, I'm a bit broke. Things are tight.

I've been sick. Like "I've got the flu and I'm going to die" sick.

I've been to the doctor two Mondays in a row.

So, one of my agencies calls about a job.

Has an editing test.

Okay, not really feeling it but okay.

They first send me a CDA, which I sign, of course.

Then the send me not one, but two files, with several slides and they want me to devote two hours of my life to this test.

I looked it over yesterday and decided to leave it until today.

I woke up abruptly very early and I had another look.

Honestly, I just got madder and madder.


I have 20 years experience and you want me to spend 2 billable hours just to prove it.

Nah, bro, just nah.

Mind you, I could use the money.

But, I've learned, over the years, to trust my instincts.

I sent an email to the agency, passing on the possible assignment, clearly stating that I wasn't going to waste two hours on this.

The relief I felt afterwards was amazing.

I was also pleased that I had once again chosen myself and trusted the Universe completely.

I received a reply from the agency, agreeing with me. Totally understanding. Totally supportive. They had suggested that they should pay the candidate for two hours but they refused.

I think this was another test from the Universe.

Could I be as broke as a joke and still put myself first and trust the Universe that something else will show up?

Yeah, I really can.

Looking forward to what's coming, I know it's going to be great!

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