Friday, July 21, 2017


Okay, so I got fired yesterday. I was SO relieved. I absolutely hated that job. I hated the commute. I hated the people. (Okay, I didn't HATE them, but I just didn't laugh every day with them as I did on nearly every job I ever had.) I hated the work. Oh, dear God, if I never see another dental manuscript again, I will jump for joy!

Honestly, I think I know what my version of purgatory is! Driving on I95, working on dental manuscripts, getting negative feedback, in a little cubicle, where no one talks to me. Yep, that's it.

This is SO bizarre. I usually have great bosses, great jobs, great coworkers, great friends. I can't stress how much this was an anomaly for me.

When I got laid off at my last job, because there were no contracts being signed, they emphasized how much they LOVED me. In all caps and bold font. Really!

However, I think I know what the Universe is trying to tell me. I get really set in my ways and the Universe has a way of throwing me through a windshield to get my attention.

First of all, it's past time to sell the house and retire. I need to be free and unencumbered by the detritus of the past. My past and the family's past. My work is completely in the future.

I checked my horoscope for yesterday and the affirmation for the day was this:

I face my need for change, and release familiar ties and circumstances to the Universe now.

Well, for goodness sake, could that be any clearer?

It also said:

If you’re absolutely decided on eliminating an alliance, this could be the time.

Well, okay then!

Second, I don't mind working but I need to enjoy and I need to be free. I can't be cooped up in a cubicle. That part of my life is really over.

Third, I need to interact with people. I really really do. The inward introspective part of my life is over. I need to do work that interacts with people.

Fourth, astrologically, this is a very potent time for the earth. I feel that I need to be free so that the Universe can use me some how. I know I need to be free in August especially. I used this app today called Points of Power ( and here is what it said today, when I asked the question, "What do I need to know today?"

Ultimately, it's not about your job, your bank account, or your life life.
You are here to raise the vibration of the whole.

Well, that's pretty clear, huh?

Also, there is a Mercury retrograde in August. I took this awful job during a Mercury Retrograde. I will never ever ever take a job during a Mercury retrograde again! So I'm waiting until September, until all danger from the retrograde is past to even try to look for a job.

I think I'm going to try to get my foot in the door at the University through their temp system. I have had this feeling all my life that I'm going to end up at the University doing something.

After that, I'm going to move forward on selling this house and moving to a small little rented rancher.

I'm going to spend August getting rid of things. Right now, I'm going to take a shower and rearrange some appointments.

Life is good.  Always.

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