I am keeping up (mostly!) with my decluttering.
Today I tackled a big box of ancient and moldering tax returns.
Just in case you didn't know, you generally only have to keep tax returns for 3 years.
In the process, I dug up one poem, a large envelope of family pictures (my mother was an inveterate photo taker, I find them everywhere!), and an inspirational quotation.
I share the quotation with you here:
Keep your desire turning back within and be patient.
Allow the
fulfillment to come to you.
Gently resist the temptation to chase your
dreams into the world. Pursue them in your heart until they disappear
into the Self, then leave them there.
It may take a little
self-discipline–be simple, be kind, stay rested. Attend to your own
inner health and happiness.
Happiness radiates like a fragrance from a
flower and draws all good things towards you. Allow your love to nourish
yourself as well as others.
Do not strain after your needs of life–it
is sufficient to be quietly alert and aware of them. In this way life
proceeds more naturally, effortlessly.
Life is here to enjoy.
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
This was really helpful to find. I have lately been straining after the needs of life, mentally. My frustration at not attracting the perfect job pops up with regularity on my mental screen, the way your tongue seems to find its way to a sore tooth.
I admit I am somewhat frustrated. Life seems to be at a standstill.
But I am determined to believe that good things are coming.
Okay, I literally I had to stop typing to answer the phone. The temp agency called about a job.
Temp to permanent and more money than I was making at my last job.
Phone interview tomorrow.
I am off to think happy thoughts that radiate through the Universe!
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