The Universe is saying: Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and
you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen. —Klaus Joehle
In an incredible feat of synchronicity, I was searching for a way to begin this post (this blog, really), and, at a loss, I opened Facebook to find that someone had posted this wonderful quote.
This, then, is exactly what this blog and this experiment is all about.
I hope to answer the question, "Can the Universe provide abundantly for me?"
It seems I have spent years and years reading about the Law of Attraction, listening to Abraham, and Bashar, and others, all seemingly telling me the same message.
That message? Let go, let God, be happy, don't worry, don't try, go with the flow, attract what you want, believe it and you'll see it.
Have I covered them all?
I have to admit I have had some success with all of these concepts. Like many people, I routinely look up when the clock is at 11:11. I admit that always makes me smile but now I want more.
If the Universe can make me look at a clock, then surely the Universe can do more? After all, Abraham says that it is as easy to manifest a castle as a button.
Surely not, my logic mind says. Castle are big and rare, buttons are small and multitudinous. Logic says this cannot be.
Or can it?
I propose to test this theory this year. Not a year of living dangerously but rather a year of living safely, safe in the arms of the Universe.
I want to turn my life over in complete trust to the Universe and just see what occurs. Along the way, I will be looking at people, book, blogs, and ideas about manifestation.
So, I hope someone out there joins me on my journey!
Oh, wait, no hoping, just trust, so let me hand that job over to the Universe now!
Take it away, Universe!
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