Turns out I qualify for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
Honestly, when I realized I qualified you could have knocked me over with a feather.
Also qualified for the 3-month stimulus.
So, yes, money is coming in without me doing anything.
It's funny but right before I qualified I was applying for jobs that I could do at home. Mostly answering phones, customer service. (I want to add here that despite applying to many places, no one ever hires me!)
As I was applying I clearly heard the admonition, "Wait," in my head. Needless to say, I was startled.
Even though I was a bit taken aback, I decide to listen. Over the course of a week, I heard it several times. (Um, no, I do not hear voices. This was the first time, swear to God!)
I didn't quality for regular unemployment and I had tried to apply for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance but got frustrated with the system.
During the "wait" week, I decided in the middle of the night to try it again. It took a couple of hours, and a lot of button pushing but I received a notice immediately that I qualified.
I have to admit I was a bit stunned.
But I don't know why I'm still stunned.
If you rely on the Universe it will take care of you.