It's the little things that I notice.
I was looking for a certain kind of scissors for a project. I had them on my list to buy.
I was looking through a drawer today for my usual scissors and as I fished around in the drawer I came up with a pair of scissors I didn't even know I owned that are perfect for the project.
So that happened.
I also decided I needed a pair of white sandals for the summer. Also on the list.
I've been cleaning out the basement and I reached for a bin stuffed back on a table and inside I found several pairs of shoes that I haven't seen in a couple of years.
Was there a pair of white sandals in said bin?
Why, yes. Yes, a pair of white sandals just materialized.
Okay, they didn't materialize. I bought them several years ago and somehow they ended up in the cellar, probably stored for the winter.
Nonetheless, up they popped, just when I needed them.
Which perfectly illustrates how LOA works and how you manifest. Don't get yourself all bent and twisted.
Just calmly make a note of what you need and know somehow what you need will turn up just when you need it.
That's how this all works.
Hmm, what do I put on my list next?